Telos is an initiative that brings young adults ages 20-30ish together to develop leadership skills, grow in their faith, and learn what it means to live a life in Christ through parish life. Young adults learn how to design and implement ministry initiatives that have a lasting impact within their parish and throughout their community. It exists to help Orthodox young adults and parishes discover their gifts and use those gifts to build up one another.
Parishes can be powerful places for young adults, and parishes need the talent, passion and leadership of young adults in order to grow! With an ever-expanding young adult presence at St. George Greek Orthodox Church, the need for Telos is apparent. As such, we invite you to join us in raising $5K in 5 Weeks to allow this energetic and dynamic group of future leaders the opportunity to exercise their ministerial muscles.
St. George Church is in a prime position to harness the creativity of this generation. We invite you to invest in the lives of these young men and women with both your spiritual and financial support. For more information, contact Deacon John or Diakonissa Sheryl Woolman.