- Please remember that
Food Pantry collection is always the 3rd Sunday of each
month. Please bring a non-perishable food item.
- For those who bake
Prosfora: It is customary to submit with your
prosforo a list of names of your departed loved ones to
be commemorated and a list of friends and family to be
mentioned in the prayers of the Proskomidi (preparation
of gifts). It is also necessary that the prosforo be in
the Altar by 7:45 AM for Feast Day services during the
week and by 9:00 AM on Sundays. The Service of the
Proskomidi takes place in the Altar during the Orthros.
You are always welcome to leave the prosforo in the
freezer or refrigerator in the church kitchen in advance
of your day, provided you let Chris Spanos or the
office know that you are leaving the prosforo in
advance. Thank you!
- Reminders for
Ministries--If you cannot fulfill your obligation for
the week for prosfora, coffee hour, serving in the altar
or nursery, or reading the epistle, please arrange for
someone to substitute for you. The secretary is only
available three days a week and time is of the essence for
some of these services. The more warning you give in
advance, the easier it will be for the substitute to
help. Thanks!
- Questions
about church etiquette? Click this link for more information!
- Parish Council
meets the first Tuesday of each month.
- Coffee Hour Sponsors:
Along with your goodies, please bring juice or
beverage of your choice for coffee hour.
- Scheduling Events:
Organizations and individuals that schedule
events using the church hall, including rehearsal
dinners, workshops, and preparations for events
MUST call the office prior to
Thursdays so that the custodian can be notified of the
use of the church/hall and alter her cleaning schedule
accordingly. Thank you for your consideration.
- St. George Library
serves all the parishioners of the church. We have
books, pamphlets, videocassettes and audio cassettes for
you to check out. Please remember to return materials
to the church or church mail drop box no later than one
month from the date you check the materials out.
We request that materials be returned on time.
Some of these books are donated in someone's memory or as
a gift, and we want to keep them on the shelves for all
to use. Icons, cards, books, and miscellaneous items are
for sale in the bookcase on wheels. Catalogues are
available to help you select and order items not in the
library. Contributions are welcome. Any questions may be
directed to our librarian, Elaine Avgerinos.
News Releases
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Greek Orthodox Church of St. George, Des Moines, Iowa. All Rights